Camp Rock Enon Scout Reservation
Camp Rock Enon Scout Reservation is located in the northwestern tip of Virginia, an easy 20 minute drive west of Winchester, VA and just minutes away from West Virginia, with easy access just 5 miles off of US Route 50 a four-lane paved highway. This traditional style Scout Camp offers Unit and family camping, weekend and Summer camp programs for Scouts of all ages from Lion to Eagle plus our Venturing Scouts and don't forget those adult Scouters that just love the Scouting program.
Nestled in the northern Shenandoah Valley, Camp Rock Enon is conveniently located for many outdoor activities, historic sites and places of interest nearby including Washington DC, Harpers Ferry WV, Winchester VA, and Gettysburg PA. Whether you are looking for hiking trails like the Tuscarora or Appalachian, canoeing or rafting on the Potomac River, Camp Rock Enon and the surrounding areas have much to offer. Rock climbing and rappelling, canyoneering, river tubing and much more.
Want to experience climbing and rappelling on REAL NATURAL ROCK FACES?
Camp Rock Enon has the BEST rock climbing and rappelling offered at a Scout Camp on the East Coast. No climbing towers here! Our natural rock faces are one of the major attractions for Scouts looking for a real-life challenge. No other Scout camp in the Mid-Atlantic area has natural rock face climbing and rappelling like we do at Camp Rock Enon. Whether Scouts are taking the merit badge or just want to challenge themselves during open climbing and rappelling periods this experience is one to remember. We also offer Climb on Safely and Basic Climbing Instructor training courses and for those that want to take it to the next level, check out our advanced climbing program.
Hiking trails, shooting sports, blacksmith shop and much more.
We also have a blacksmith shop. Hiking trails on camp property provide a variety of options including Pinnacle Rock with incredible views into surrounding West Virginia.
Camp Rock Enon has 14 developed and several primitive campsites along with 5 cabins available for rent by Scouting Units and families during the year.
CRE hosts several organized weekend activities for Cub Scout Families, Webelos, Scouts BSA and Venturing Units that include shooting sports (archery, 3D archery, sporting arrows, .22 riffle & pistol, shotgun, muzzleloader and cowboy action shooting) natural rock face climbing and rappelling, aquatics activities, handicraft activities, outdoor and nature skills.
The Summer Camp program at CRE includes sessions for Cubs in grades 1st - 3rd (Tigers, Wolf & Bear), Webelos & AOL Scouts in grades 4th & 5th, Scouts BSA (age 11-18) and Venturing (age 14-20). We offer resident, day-only and provisional opportunities for all programs.